The Feed the Future Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity (MAPSA) is hosting a series of eight capacity strengthening modules designed to train Myanmar economists and policy analysts on current knowledge, evidence, and methods for the analysis of the Myanmar agri-food system. Through these modules, participants will learn new analytical and relevant economic methods using updated datasets for Myanmar and will benefit from expert insights on the functioning of the rural and agricultural economy. After this course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of supply, demand, and markets of agricultural produce, gender issues, the non-farm economy, and investments required to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth in Myanmar. The capacity strengthening modules will be conducted virtually. Certificates of Completion from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) will be given out for each completed module to highlight their enhanced knowledge in agri-food topics.
Module 3
This month, the third module of the Feed the Future MAPSA’s eight-module seminar series focused on agricultural land and rural livelihoods in Myanmar. The first presentation gave an overview on agricultural land use and distribution, and provide insights on the livelihoods of land owning, land renting, and landless households. The second presentation evaluated inter-regional variations in the composition of agriculture, livelihoods and the rural economy and prospects for production and income growth in the Delta (Ayeyarwady and Yangon), the Dry Zone (Mandalay, Magway, and Sagaing), the hills (represented by Southern Shan State) and the coast (represented by Mon State).
Isabel Lambrecht, Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute
Ben Belton, Associate Professor, Michigan State University