Journal Article
Fertilizer and conflicts: Evidence from Myanmar
2025Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Minten, Bart; van Asselt, Joanna; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Masias, Ian; Goeb, Joseph; Aung, Zin Wai; Htar, May Thet

Journal Article
In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health: The continuous rise in adoption of labour-saving agricultural technologies in Myanmar
2025Minten, Bart; Goeb, Joseph; van Asselt, Joanna; Aung, Zin Wai

Journal Article
Wholesalers and the transformation of Myanmar's maize value chains
2025Belton, Ben; Cho, Ame; Hall, Michael; Minten, Bart; Reardon, Thomas

Journal Article
Endogenous technologies and productivity in rice production: Roles of social instability in Myanmar since 2021
2024Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Aung, Zin Wai; Masias, Ian; Minten, Bart

Journal Article
Combine harvester outsourcing services and seasonal rural non-farm employment in Myanmar
2024Belton, Ben; Fang, Peixun; Reardon, Thomas

Journal Article
A comparison between different models of delivering maternal cash transfers in Myanmar
2024Maffioli, Elisa; Zaw, Nicholus Tint; Field, Erica

Journal Article
Emerging outsource agricultural services enable farmer adaptation in agrifood value chains: A product cycle perspective
2024Reardon, Thomas; Awokuse, Titus; Belton, Ben; Liverpool-Tasie, Lenis Saweda O.; Minten, Bart; Nguyen, Genevieve; Qanti, Sara; Swinnen, Johan; Vos, Rob; Zilberman, David

Journal Article
“It doesn’t matter at all—we are family”: Titling and joint property rights in Myanmar
2024Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Synt, Nang Lun Kham; Win, Hnin Ei; Mahrt, Kristi; Win, Khin Zin

Journal Article
Changing fish trade practices in Myanmar’s rapidly transforming food system
2024Tezzo, Xavier; Bush, Simon R.; Belton, Ben; Oosterveer, Peter; Mon, Aung Hsu

Journal Article
Double jeopardy: COVID-19, coup d'état and poverty in Myanmar
Aung, Nilar; San, Cho Cho

Journal Article
Mitigating poverty and undernutrition through social protection: A simulation analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh and Myanmar
2023Ecker, Olivier; Alderman, Harold; Comstock, Andrew R.; Headey, Derek D.; Mahrt, Kristi; Pradesha, Angga

Journal Article
Food systems transformation, animal-source foods consumption, inequality, and nutrition in Myanmar
2023Scott, Jessica M.; Belton, Ben; Mahrt, Kristi; Thilsted, Shakuntala H.; Bogard, Jessica R.

Journal Article
Empowering rural women through gender and nutrition education amid the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from Myanmar's Central Dry Zone
2023Ragasa, Catherine; Lambrecht, Isabel; Mahrt, Kristi; Aung, Zin Wai

Journal Article
Gender gaps in land rights: Explaining different measures and why households differ in Myanmar
2023Lambrecht, Isabel Brigitte; Mahrt, Kristi; Synt, Nang Lun Kham; Win, Hnin Ei; Win, Khin Zin

Journal Article
Agricultural value chains in a fragile state: The case of rice in Myanmar
2023Minten, Bart; Goeb, Joseph; Win, Khin Zin; Zone, Phoo Pye

Journal Article
Small fish consumption in rural Myanmar
2023Rizaldo, Quennie Vi; Khaing, Wae Win; Belton, Ben

Journal Article
A prepandemic nutrition-sensitive social protection program has sustained benefits for food security and diet diversity in Myanmar during a severe economic crisis
2023Maffioli, Elisa M.; Headey, Derek D.; Lambrecht, Isabel; Oo, Than Zaw; Zaw, Nicholus Tint

Journal Article
Effects of COVID-19 restrictions on mechanization service providers and mechanization equipment retailers: Insights from phone surveys in Myanmar
2023Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Masias, Ian; Win, Myat Thida; Zone, Phoo Pye

Journal Article
Can phone surveys be representative in low- and middle-income countries? An application to Myanmar
2023Lambrecht, Isabel Brigitte; Asselt, Joanna van; Headey, Derek D.; Minten, Bart; Meza, Patrick; Sabai, Moe; Sun, Thet Su; Ei Win, Hnin

Journal Article
Hybrid livelihoods: Maize and agrarian transformation in Southeast Asia's uplands
2022Belton, Ben; Fang, Peixun

Journal Article
Poverty and food insecurity during COVID-19: Phone-survey evidence from rural and urban Myanmar in 2020
2022Headey, Derek D.; Goudet, Sophie; Lambrecht, Isabel; Maffioli, Elisa Mari; Oo, Than Zaw; Russell, Toth

Journal Article
Food prices, processing, and shocks: Evidence from rice and COVID-19
2022Goeb, Joseph; Zone, Phoo Pye; Synt, Nang Lun Kham; Zu, A Myint; Tang, Yulu; Minten, Bart

Journal Article
Urban food prices under lockdown: Evidence from Myanmar’s traditional food retail sector during COVID-19
2022Goeb, Joseph; Maredia, Mywish K.; Win, Khin Zin; Masias, Ian; Lambrecht, Isabel; Boughton, Duncan; Minten, Bart

Journal Article
Can nutrition education mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on dietary quality? Cluster-randomised controlled trial evidence in Myanmar's central dry zone
2021Ragasa, Catherine; Lambrecht, Isabel; Mahrt, Kristi; Zhao, Hongdi; Aung, Zin Wai; Scott, Jessica

Journal Article
Immediate impacts of COVID‐19 on female and male farmers in central Myanmar: Phone‐based household survey evidence
2021Ragasa, Catherine; Lambrecht, Isabel; Mahrt, Kristi; Aung, Zin Wai; Wang, Michael

Journal Article
The rapid rise of agricultural mechanization in Myanmar
2021Belton, Ben; Win, Myat Thida; Zhang, Xiaobo; Filipski, Mateusz J.

Journal Article
Impacts of COVID-19 on Myanmar's chicken and egg sector, with implications for the sustainable development goals
2021Fang, Peixun; Belton, Ben; Zhang, Xiaobo; Ei Win, Hnin

Journal Article
Impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural production and food systems in late transforming Southeast Asia: The case of Myanmar
Minten, Bart; Diao, Xinshen

Journal Article
SARS-CoV-2 wave two surveillance in East Asia and the Pacific: Longitudinal trend analysis
2021Post, Lori Ann; Lin, Jasmine S.; Moss, Charles B.; Murphy, Robert L.; Ison, Michael G.; Resnick, Danielle

Journal Article
Structural change and women’s employment potential in Myanmar
2020Mueller, Valerie; Schmidt, Emily; Kirkleeng, Dylan

Journal Article
Emigration and rising wages in Myanmar: Evidence from Mon State
2020Filipski, Mateusz J.; Lee, Hak Lim; Hein, Aung; Nischan, Ulrike

Journal Article
The contested terrain of land governance reform in Myanmar
2019Suhardiman, Diana; Kenney-Lazar, M.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.

Journal Article
Give a man a fishpond: Modeling the impacts of aquaculture in the rural economy
2018Filipski, Mateusz J.; Belton, Ben

Journal Article
Paleoprecipitation reconstruction in the Indus and Ganges basins by inverse modeling of tree-ring-based PDSI
2015Rahman, D.; Wang, Dingbao; Zhu, Tingju; Ringler, Claudia

Journal Article
Water resources in the Asia-Pacific region: managing scarcity
1996Rosegrant, Mark W.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.