Working Paper
Livelihoods and welfare: Findings from the seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (January–June 2024)
2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis

Working Paper
The state of food security and nutrition in Myanmar 2021-24: Findings from seven rounds of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey
2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis

Working Paper
Community and household shocks: Findings from the seventh round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (January–June 2024)
2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis

Working Paper
How have foreign exchange market distortions and conflict affected agricultural production incentives in Myanmar?
2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis

Working Paper
Oilseed farming in Myanmar: An analysis of practice, productivity, and profitability: Assessment of the 2023 monsoon
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Myanmar Agricultural Performance Survey (Monsoon 2023): Farming environment and farm commercialization
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Conflict and agricultural performance: Evidence from Myanmar
2024Win, Myat Thida; Maredia, Mywish K.; Jin, Songqing

Working Paper
Rice productivity and profitability in Myanmar: Assessment of the 2023 monsoon
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Conflict, inclusivity, and transformation of the rice value chain in Myanmar
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Agricultural service delivery during turmoil: The state of agricultural extension and crop advisory services in Myanmar
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Livelihoods and Welfare: Findings from the sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (June – November 2023)
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Shocks and coping: Findings from the sixth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (June – November 2023)
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Those who leave and those who stay: Individual migration in Myanmar during a time of crisis
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Resilience pathways: Understanding remittance trends in post-coup Myanmar
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Household migration during a time of crisis: Patterns and outcomes in Myanmar
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Oilseed crop production: Findings from the Myanmar Agriculture Performance Survey
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
The state of food security and Nutrition in Myanmar 2022-23: Findings from six rounds of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey
2024Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Traders and agri-food value chain resilience: The case of maize in Myanmar
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
The state of food security and nutrition in Myanmar 2022-23: Findings from five rounds of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Vulnerability and welfare: Findings from the fifth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (March – June 2023)
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
The continuous rise - during economic growth, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and conflict - in the adoption of labor-saving agricultural technologies in Myanmar: Evidence and implications
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Livelihood resilience and the agrifood system in Myanmar: Implications for agriculture and a rural development strategy in a time of crisis
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Myanmar’s livestock sector: An overview of production and consumption in 2022
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Pulses sector assessment: Pre- and post-monsoon 2021 and 2022
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Urban proximity, conflict, and agricultural development: Evidence from Myanmar
2023Steinhübel, Linda; Minten, Bart

Working Paper
Remittances and household welfare: Findings from the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
How happy are you? It depends on when asked …
2023Tauseef, Salauddin; Lambrecht, Isabel; Minten, Bart; Headey, Derek D.

Working Paper
Agricultural extension in times of crisis and emergent threats: Effectiveness of a fall armyworm information intervention in Myanmar
2023Goeb, Joseph; Maredia, Mywish K.; Herrington, Caitlin; Zu, A Myint

Working Paper
Agricultural mechanization services, rice productivity, and farm/plot size: Insights from Myanmar
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity (MAPSA)

Working Paper
Paddy rice productivity and profitability in Myanmar: Assessment of the 2022 monsoon season
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Vulnerability and welfare: Findings from the fourth round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (October to December 2022)
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
An overview of migration in Myanmar: Findings from the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Regional variations and trends in the composition and vulnerability of rural livelihoods
2023Belton, Ben; Filipski, Mateusz J.; Lambrecht, Isabel; Fang, Peixun

Working Paper
Conflict and agricultural productivity: Evidence from Myanmar
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Dietary quality and nutrition in Myanmar: Past progress, current and future challenges
2023Mahrt, Kristi; Headey, Derek D.; Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew R.; Tauseef, Salauddin

Working Paper
The stalled transformation of food processing in Myanmar
2023Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Income diversification and the rural non-farm economy
2022Paudel, Susan; Filipski, Mateusz J.; Minten, Bart

Working Paper
Vulnerability and welfare: Findings from the third round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (July and August 2022)
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Welfare and vulnerability: Findings from the second round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (April – June 2022)
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Farm commercialization in Myanmar: A transformation on hold or in reverse?
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Agricultural land and crop production in Myanmar
2022Lambrecht, Isabel; Belton, Ben; Fang, Peixun; Minten, Bart; Naing, Phyo Thandar

Working Paper
Double Jeopardy: COVID-19, coup d'etat and poverty in Myanmar
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Poverty measurement by phone: Developing and testing alternative poverty metrics from the nationally representative Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS), Round 1 (December 2021-January 2022)
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Livestock, capture fisheries, and aquaculture in Myanmar: Status and recent trends
2022Belton, Ben; Fang, Peixun

Working Paper
Welfare and vulnerability: Findings from the first round of the Myanmar Household Welfare Survey
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Rice productivity in Myanmar: Assessment of the 2021 monsoon and outlook for 2022
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Impact of a gender and nutrition behavioral change communication amid the COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar’s Central Dry Zone
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Phone surveillance, from scratch: Novel sample design features of the nationally representative Myanmar Household Welfare Survey (MHWS)
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Agricultural value chains in a fragile state: The case of rice in Myanmar
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Beyond emergency relief: What will it take to ensure a resilient recovery for agriculture and the rural economy of Myanmar
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Myanmar's microfinance sector, agriculture, and COVID-19: Emerging insights and new challenges
2021Myanmar Agriculture Support Activity

Working Paper
Myanmar's poverty and food insecurity crisis: Support to agriculture and food assistance is urgently needed to preserve a foundation for recovery
2021Myanmar Agriculture Support Activity

Working Paper
Urban food prices under lockdown: Evidence from Myanmar’s traditional food retail sector during COVID-19
2021Goeb, Joseph; Maredia, Mywish K.; Win, Khin Zin; Masias, Ian; Lambrecht, Isabel; Boughton, Duncan; Minten, Bart

Working Paper
The outlook for Myanmar’s inorganic fertilizer use and 2021 crop harvest: An ex-ante assessment
2021Myanmar Agriculture Support Activity

Working Paper
Myanmar migration in a time of transformation: 2011-2020
2021Filipski, Mateusz J.; Belton, Ben; Hein, Aung; Zu, A Myint; Htoo, Kyan; Win, Myat Thida; Thu, Eaindra Theint Theint; Htun, Khun Moe

Working Paper
Agro-processing, food prices, and COVID-19 shocks: Evidence from Myanmar’s rice mills
2021Myanmar Agriculture Support Activity

Working Paper
Opportunities and constraints for production and income growth in rural Myanmar: Inter-regional variations in the composition of agriculture, livelihoods, and the rural economy
2021Belton, Ben; Cho, Ame; Filipski, Mateusz J.; Goeb, Joseph; Lambrecht, Isabel; Mather, David; Win, Myat Thida

Working Paper
Agri-food trade in Myanmar: Its role in Myanmar’s future economic takeoff
2020Diao, Xinshen; Masias, Ian; Lwin, Wuit Yi

Working Paper
Impacts of COVID-19 on Myanmar’s agri-food system: Evidence base and policy implications
Win, Myat Thida; Aung, Zin Wai; Soe, Nweni Khin; Wang, Michael; Lambrecht, Isabel; Goeb, Joseph; Headey, Derek D.; Diao, Xinshen; Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Masias, Ian; Fang, Peixun; Mahrt, Kristi; Goudet, Sophie; Ragasa, Catherine; Minten, Bart; Maredia, Mywish K.; Belton, Ben; Zhang, Xiaobo; Boughton, Duncan

Working Paper
Impacts of COVID-19 on Myanmar’s poultry sector: Implications for achieving the sustainable development goals
2020Fang, Peixun; Belton, Ben; Zhang, Xiaobo; Ei Win, Hnin

Working Paper
Poverty and food insecurity during COVID-19: Telephone survey evidence from mothers in rural and urban Myanmar
2020Headey, Derek D.; Goudet, Sophie; Lambrecht, Isabel; Oo, Than Zaw; Maffioli, Elisa Maria; Toth, Russell

Working Paper
Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on household incomes and poverty in Myanmar: A microsimulation approach
2020Diao, Xinshen; Mahrt, Kristi

Working Paper
Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on Myanmar’s economy: A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) multiplier approach
2020Diao, Xinshen; Aung, Nilar; Lwin, Wuit Yi; Zone, Phoo Pye; Nyunt, Khin Maung; Thurlow, James