The people of Myanmar are becoming increasingly vulnerable due to the impact of a wide range of shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, political instability, armed conflict, global economic disruptions, and climate change. The collection of high-frequency socio-economic data is essential to understanding the scope of these shocks, their impacts on household welfare, and the efficient […]
To assess the economic and food and nutrition security impacts of COVID-19 in Myanmar, IFPRI-Myanmar developed and implemented the Rural-Urban Food Security Survey (RUFSS), a household phone survey of approximately 2,000 mothers in urban and peri-urban Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city, and in the rural Dry Zone, an agricultural production area in the center of Myanmar. RUFSS was initiated in June 2020.
How COVID-19 affects agricultural production in the Dry Zone (October)
COVID-19 has drastically affected agricultural production and livelihoods in Myanmar. In this blog post, IFPRI researchers measure the impacts by surveying farming communities in the Dry Zone. With this information, they offer policy recommendations to help Myanmar farmers.
Myanmar survey findings summarized (November 2020)
IFPRI-Myanmar and partners are conducting a number of surveys monitoring the impacts of COVID-19 on Myanmar’s food security. The following is a summary compiled by the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector Coordination Group (ARDSCG) of the November findings.
COVID-19 and business responses: How are Yangon’s poultry farmers adapting to the pandemic? (August)
Though the poultry sector stabilized recently, COVID-19 has had a lasting impact of continuing mismatches in supply and demand. Learn more about our recommendations to help Myanmar poultry farmers adapt to COVID-19.
Poverty and food insecurity during COVID-19 (June and July)
The pandemic creates not only a serious and sustained threat to the health of the Myanmar population but also economic disruptions and challenges for efforts to avert poverty, food insecurity, and malnutrition. Researchers utilize recent findings to assess the pandemic's impact on food security and welfare.